Professor Boyle has been awarded the 2019 Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Precast Studio Award which provides funding to integrate experiential learning about concrete into a studio program. Professor Boyle's proposal is focused on expanding her concrete 3D printing technologies in combination with Ultra High Performace Concrete towards the objectove of resilience in architecture. The award will allow CSALT to enhance our 3D printing technologies and collaborate with industry leaders in this area as part of the 2019 Gateway Studio program. As part of the CPCI support, Professor Boyle attended the US Precast Concrete Institute Professors in Raleigh, NC in May which provided many international connections in the field of digital material innovation as well as industry partner field trips so see innovation first-hand such as the innovative carbon-fibre precast formwork (image below) for the Domino skyscraper in New York by COOKFOX architects (nominated best design award for digital fabrication). Many thanks to the CPCI for this amazing opportunity for our students.